• 8(a) Certified
  • Alaskan Native
  • Service Disabled
  • Veteran Owned
  • Hubzone
  • GSA Schedule

Investigative Services

Investagive Services

  • Private Investigation
  • e-Discovery
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Tactical Acquisition and Explotation of Digital Media
  • Law Enforcement Support and Training

Forensics & Incident Response

In a digital, connected world of global networks moving at gigabit speeds, incident response is no longer enough. By the time you discover an incident, chances are the bad guys have already gotten away with what they wanted. Today, you must put a custom combination of tools, services, and vigilant monitoring in place designed to prevent the incident from ever happening in the first place. EOR’s JANUS Manage Incident Prevention, Response, & Recovery Service does just that.

At the core of the EOR Janus service is prevention, empowering you to get with your business and your life safely and securely – without having to waste unnecessary time or precious resources becoming your own “security guru”. The package starts with our patented security assessment to address your current security posture. Based upon the results, we make recommendations for immediate improvement. Then we implement a tool set designed to automatically protect and monitor your environment all day every day. This prevention layer proactively defends your whole environment: every user, every device, every connection, mobile or static, office workstation to road warrior PDA.

But even with the most exceptional defense, it is still possible to fall victime to a cyber security incident. When that occurs, you have to be prepared. The EOR Janus Service response component ensures that incidents are stopped at the earliest possible point. Our exclusive forensics engine, automated malware analysis, and other tools take the sting out of security incidents, ensuring that the response you execute is the right response fo rthe specific situation. Here are just some of the components of the EOR Janus Service:

  • Indentify Evidence
  • Secure and Preserve Best Evidence
  • Image electronic storage media
  • Identify relevant files, as well as duplicate files and those unrelated to the case
  • Understand their investigative options
  • Quickly find relevant information and develop additional investigative leads
  • Recover deleted files – including e-mail, word processing and financial records
  • Develop a timeline of usage for both active and deleted files
  • Discover attempts to conceal, fabricate, or destroy evidence
  • Understand patterns of computer behavior including Internet activity
  • Review evidnece to determine context and relevance
  • Provide a user-friendly, accurate and detailed report of findings and recommendations

An incident can put you or your business out of business. We know you can’t afford that. That’s why EOR’s Janus Service makes backup and recovery an integral part of the every day security process. We don’t wait until you have an incident to ensure you are ready and able to recover and continue with business as usual. Encryption, automated backups and data recover are all part of the EOR Janus package.

No matter what you do or what business you run, you cannot afford to put yourself, your company, your customers, or your critical data at risk. And you don’t have time to gain the security expertise necessary to protect yourself. Reacting to security incidents is no longer enough. The threats are already here – and they are real. You need true proactive protection to stay ahead of the threat. You need the EOR Janus Service. Come see what we are all about today – before it’s too late.

Our Clients

Featured Client

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Remote Access and Mobile Programs, Two-Factor Authentication, Whole Drive Encryption, Security Architecture and Infrastructure Support

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